DJ Jedi
4/8/21 All Vaxed and ready to hang out with humans again.
4/6/21 I get my 2nd Vax tomorrow........
4/1/21 April Fools...........
3/30/21 Sorry so last minute........
3/23/21 #offthebeatentrack
3/16/21 I get my vaccine tomorrow......1st vaccine......
3/5/21 Off the Beaten Track:Friday Edition
3/2/21 Off the Beaten Track:Tuesday Edition
2/26/21 Vaccine? Yeah but can ya sign up?
2/16/21 Rock and roll..........
2/5/21 We do it Pandemic style......
2/2/21 Off the Beaten Track
1/17/21 Easy Listening Sundays.......
1/15/21 80s Dance Party tonight!!!!!!!!
1/12/21 Tuesday is ready to go.......
1/10/21 Another Easy Listening Sunday....
1/8/21 What has this world come to?
1/3/21 Easy Listening night
1/1/21 New Year New Thoughts and Dreams
12/22/20 Update........